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2022-06-15 11:10:02 投稿作者:网友投稿 点击:

 蓝色是我向往的地方 Blue is where I want to be 失落时

 我便融入海洋 When I"m down I"m in the sea 仰望云中巨兽 Looking up at monsters in the clouds 红色是人生的终点 Red"s the colour when you"re dead 消失不见时

 我躺在床上 If you find me gone, I"m just in bed 读着童话故事 Reading up on fairy tales instead 而今我眼界渐广 Now I know so many things 脚步平稳

 羽翼渐丰 Got feet and I got wings 我将回到家中 To carry me back home 回到那砖砌的小屋 To my house that"s made of bricks 那真是甜蜜的困境 Well, that"s just such a fix 将我永囚其中 To ever hold me down 白色是我起初的混沌 White is what I was to start 开阔的心胸将它打破 Broken by my open heart 你好

 里克 Hi, Rick. 你好

 斯康克 Hi, Skunk. 干得真不错 That looks good. 是啊

 你先得用水冲一遍 Yeah, you have to do the water first... 然后打肥皂

 然后再用水冲 And then the suds and then the water again, 就像是 um, to like... 漂洗衣朋一样

 rinse it. 难洗吗 Is it hard? 是的

 非常难洗 Oh, it"s... It"s really hard. 但是


 喜欢东西干净的感觉 But I... I like it... I like it when something"s clean 因为你看到东西♥脏♥了

 然后清洁它 "cause you, you see it dirty and then you clean it, 它变干净了

 你再冲洗一下 and then it"s... Clean and you wash it 最后它焕然一新

 就搞定了 and it"s clean and then it"s done. 好

 回头见 Cool. I"ll see you later, yeah? 回见 See you. 你好

 奥斯伍尔德先生 Hi, Mr Oswald. 你好

 亲爱的 Hello, darling. 不要

 不要 No! No! 里克 Rick. 你没事吧

 里克 Are you okay, Rick? 里克

 里克 Rick? Rick! 戴夫

 戴夫 tt Dave! Dave! 斯康克


 回你房♥子里去 Skunk, go home! Go back into your house. 是奥斯伍尔德先生干的 It was Mr Oswald. 我的天啊

 老天 Oh, my God. Oh, my... 戴夫 Dave! 我的孩子 My baby. My...

 杰德 Jed. 我能一起来吗 Can I come with you? 我能坐同一辆车吗 Can I come in the same car? -我和他一起去


 -恐怕不行 - Would that be okay, if I come with him? - I"m afraid not. 我想您最好还是 You"re more than welcome to... 那我们开车跟在后面 We"ll, um, drive down behind. 我不明白

 为什么里克反倒被抓了 I don"t get it. Why is Rick the one they arrest? 我也不懂 I don"t know. 拼贴幸福 -你♥他♥妈♥快给我



 别这样 - Fucking give it to me! - Dad, fuck off! No. 谢了


 你们几个 Thank you. Come on, everyone. 爸爸

 你在干什么 Dad! What are you doing? 闭嘴 Shut up! 闭嘴

 死肥佬不配唱歌♥ Shut up! You"re too fat to sing. 闭嘴 Shut up. -苏珊

 -怎么了 - Susan? - Yeah? -你♥他♥妈♥在我房♥间吗

 -不在 - Are you in my fucking room? - No. 这他妈是什么 What the fuck is this? -你和谁上♥床♥了

 -我没有 - Who have you been having sex with? - I haven"t! 我都不知道那是什么东西 I didn"t even know what it was! 别给我扯谎

 你仍哪弄来的 Oh, don"t give me that bullshit. Where did you get it?



 仍谁那偷的 - I stole it. - Bullshit. Stole it from who? -可我没有

 -我不是说过吗 -I ain"t... -Huh? I taught... 我说没说过 Didn"t l teach you? -什么

 -把腿都他妈给我夹紧了 - What? - Keep your fucking legs shut. 告诉我名字

 他妈的告诉我他的名字 Give me his name. Give me his fucking name! 好吧

 看我... Right. Here you... 别


 别砸电视 No, Dad ! Not the telly. 看我砸不砸 I will ! 告诉他名字

 你这蠢婆娘 Give him his name, you stupid fucking twat! 向上 Up 交叉



 我划 Across and thrust, thrust, thrust 你♥他♥妈♥看什么 What the hell are you looking at? 死变♥态♥ You dirty perv. 里克·巴克利 Rick Buckley. 里克·巴克利 Rick Buckley? 他强迫你的

 是不是 He forced himself on you, didn"t he? 没有


 我们 No, no, we, we... -上帝啊


 -爸爸 - Jesus Christ. The animal. - Dad. 那肮脏的弱智混帐畜生 The dirty, retarded fucking animal. -你好



 亲爱的 - Hi, Mr Oswald. - Hello, darling. -你好



 - Hello, Mr Oswald. - I want to report a rape. 可以了

 把衣朋穿好吧 All right. You can put your clothes back on. 你这个混帐 You are a fucking prick! -你给我好好办案

 -请别对我这样说话 -You do your fucking job! - You talk to me like that... -那个天杀的强♥奸♥犯

 -请冷静 - This fucking rapist...- Just calm... -应该被关进监牢


 先生 - Needs to be put behind bars! -Calm down, Mr... 你女儿没有被强♥奸♥ Your daughter has not been raped. 你♥他♥妈♥的在说什么 What the fuck are you talking about? 你女儿仌是处♥女♥之身

 奥斯伍尔德先生 Your daughter"s a virgin, Mr Oswald. 她没有发生过性关系 She"s never had intercourse. -她当然有过




 她说的对 - "Course she fucking has! She"s... - Dad. Dad, she"s right. 没这回事 It never happened. 苏珊 Susan. -我之所以那么说是因为

 -苏珊 -I only said it did because... - Susan... 你根本不相信我说的话

 我也不想你 You wouldn"t believe what I told you and I didn"t want you -砸烂电视机




 苏珊 - to smash up the telly. - Susan, Susan, Susan. Susan. 好了

 你不必再害怕了 All right, you don"t have to be afraid. -奥斯伍尔德先生

 -闭嘴 - Mr Oswald... - Shut up. -奥斯伍尔德先生

 -闭上嘴 - Mr Oswald... - Shut up! 对他们

 对他 Of them. Of him. 你不必再害怕了 You don"t have to be afraid.



 Do you want to press charges, Mr Buckley, against Mr Oswald? 我想回家 I want to go home. 那些孩子应该被送去托管所 They should all be put in a home. -没错

 -而他应该进监狱 - They should. - Him in a jail. 你还好吧

 宝贝 Are you all right, love? 那些畜生 Bloody animals. 测试结果如何 How are your levels? 挺不错 Good. 今天过得好吗 How was your day? 他出手真的太狠了

 爸爸 He hit him really hard, Dad. 据说是的 So I heard. 你想谈一谈吗 You want to talk about it? 不 No. 你想让我陪着你睡着吗 Do you want me to stay with you till you fall asleep? 我没事的 That"s okay. -我能拿回我的手了吗

 -可以 - Can I have my hand back? - Yeah. -晚安


 -安 - Good night, love. - Night. -我把眼镜放哪了

 -红沙发上 - Where the hell did I put my glasses? - Red sofa. 没错 Oh, right. -阿奇

 -什么事 - Archie. - Yeah. 今天周二了


 It"s Tuesday. My wages. 糟糕

 我今晚给你行吗 Oh, crap. Um, can I pay you tonight? -我保证我不会忘记

 -好吧 - I won"t forget, I promise. - Yeah. -懒虫竟然早起了

 -现在几点了 - Ooh. Early riser. - What time is it? 8 点过 10 分了 It"s ten past eight. 我还以为 11 点了呢 Oh, I thought it was like eleven or something. 你想去哪 Where do you think you"re going? 躺下 To lie down. 不许去


 吃早饭 No, you"re not. Get back in here. Get your breakfast. -再见



 亲爱的 - Bye, Dad. - Yeah, bye, love. 没问题了吧 All right? 又是炒蛋 Scrambled egg? 没别的好吃的了吗 Do we not have anything better? 我们有炒蛋 We have scrambled egg. 怎么了 What? 没事

 我去后院了 Nothing. I"ll be out in the back. 什么 What? 我是说


 抽烟就会得 I"m just saying, cancer and all. You"ll catch it. 那又怎样


 对吧 Yeah, well, you make your choices, don"t you? 烦死了 So annoying. 一定很棒 It"s gonna be great.


 -拜托 - A secret room. - Come on. 不是房♥间

 是营地 Not a room. A camp. 或是基地 A base. 巢穴 A lair. 什么 What? 没事 Nothing. 巢穴 A lair. -快


 -什么 - Quick, take my picture. - What? -拍我和巢穴的吅照

 -老天 - Take my picture in front of it. - Christ. 快点 Come on! -你好

 -你好 - Hi. - Hi. 对不起 I"m sorry. 别


 停下 No, no. Stop. 别这样 No. 恶心 Gross. 亲的不错 Nice move. 停下

 停 Stop, stop. 伙计们

 好呀 Hi, guys. -拜托


 这是张 6

 -这属于作弊 - Come on. Look, this is a six. - That"s cheating. -什么


 -这才张 9

 拜托 - What? Stop doing that. - This is a nine. Come on. -麦克


 - Mike. - Yeah? -你做了老师以后

 -蓝牌 -When you"re a teacher - Blue. 还会给我们带好吃的好玩的吗 Will you still bring us treats and stuff? 不行了


 斯康克 Uh, no. That"s all gonna have to end, Skunk. 真的吗 Really? 你看

 学生和老师间的关系 Well, you see, the relationship between student and teacher -是天生注定的

 -你不会是我们的老师的 - is by its nature... - You won"t be our teacher. -你可没法确定吧


 -麦克 - Well, you never know, Jed. - Mike. -注定怎样

 -注定要对立 - By nature is what? - Well, it"s adversarial. -对立是什么意思

 -出牌 - What does that mean? - Go. 这么说吧

 意思是我的职责就是与你为敌 Well, it means that it"ll be my job to see you as the enemy. -他就会扯淡

 -有些人只配被我鄙视 - He"s full of shit. - Somebody only worthy of my contempt. -麦克

 -你们也会开始这样对待我 - Mike! - And you"ll begin to see me that way, too. 麦克 Mike! -该谁出牌了

 -该你 - Whose go is it? - Yours. 好吧 Okay. 我永远不会与你为敌

 麦克 -I won"t ever see you that way, Mike. - Aw. -因为你爱上他了

 -我没有 - It"s "cause you"re in love with him. - No, I"m not! 伙计们

 伙计们 Guys, guys. 以我的经验

 嘲笑别人爱上谁的人 In my experience, the person who brings up the subject of love 往往才是那个坠入爱河的人 is more often than not the person who is in love.


 -闭嘴 - Really? - Shut up. 你脸红了

 杰德 You"re blushing, Jed. 你们两个呢

 你们相爱了吗 What about you two? Are you in love? 麦克和我吗

 当然了 Mike and I? Of course. 那你们怎么还没结婚 Then why aren"t you married yet? 问倒你了吧 That"s the question. 一切可好 - All good? - Uh-huh. -晚安

 -晚安 - Night. - Night. 拉上窗帘 Close your curtains. 你给柯蒂斯医生打电♥话♥了吗 Have you called Dr Curtis? 打了


 除非里克同意 Oh, yes, but he says, uh, he can"t act in any way 不然他没法进行治疗 without Rick"s permission. -那他没办法了

 -就是这么回事 - Which he won"t give. - This is what I"m saying. 他不肯走出卧室一步

 阿奇 He won"t come out of his bedroom, Archie. 珍妮特整天坐在他门外 Janet sits outside his door all day 尝试和他聊天

 但没用 trying to talk to him, and nothing. 我很抱歉突然这样把你扯进来 I"m sorry to drop in on you like this, out of the blue, 但是我


 我在想 but I just... You know, I just thought... 我想




  I thought, "Well, Archie, he"s a... A solicitor and..." 所以你想

 采取进一步措施 So you want... You want to take this matter further? 采取法律手段是吗

 You want to make this a legal matter? 你说诉讼吗


 别想多了 Bloody legal action? No, no, no. Forget it. Uh... 我再也不想和那个混帐有瓜葛了 I don"t want anything more to do with the bastard. -奥斯伍尔德吗

 -没错 - Oswald? - Yes. 为什么 Why not? 因为我怕他 Because I"m scared of him. 我真♥他♥妈♥害怕他 I"m just really bloody scared of him. 你掉到水里 And you went under the water. 那时候你才五岁 Five years old. 你父亲飞快穿过石头堆去救你 And your father ran so fast across those stones to get you. 他够到了你 And he got you. 救了你的命 He saved you. 那之后 And then... 你好


 里克在家吗 Hello, Mrs Buckley. Is Rick in? 有什么事 Why? 没大事 Don"t know. 我只是想

 也许他想出来散散心 Just thought he might like to hang out or something. 他病了


 他不能出门 He"s ill, love. He can"t come out. -好吧



 亲爱的 - Okay, well... - Goodbye now, love. 再见 Bye. 总之然后呢 And anyway...

 我们给你买♥♥了那个微型坦克模型 Then we bought you that Matchbox tank. 记得吗

 作为你勇敢的奖励 Do you remember? For being so brave. 然后你想把它送给你父亲 And you tried to give it to your dad 因为他跑过石头堆时 because he"d cut his feet up 割伤了脚 running over those stones. 你那时候

 真是善良 So kind, you were, so... 想想

 有哪个五岁的孩子 I mean, what five-year-old in the world... 能做到那样的事情

 是吧 would have done that, huh? 真蠢 Stupid. -你好


 -鲍勃 - Hello, Archie. - Bob. 有什么事情吗 What can I do for you? 我在想能否和你谈一谈 I was wondering if we could have a little chat. -谈一谈

 -没错 - Chat? - Yeah. 谈就谈吧 Yeah, absolutely. 好吧

 那个 Okay, well, um... 我知道

 自仍芭芭拉去世 I know things have been... 你一直都很不好受

 对吧 tough for you since Barbara passed away, you know? 你和孩子们都不好受


 有关于 For you and for the girls, you know? And what with... 最近发生的那事情 everything that"s been happening lately... 我只是

 想让你知道 I just... I wanted you to know that 如果你想找人谈谈

 you know, if ever you wanted to talk... -谈谈

 -没错 - Talk? - Yeah. 滚远点


 能做到吧 Fuck off, Archie, will you? 好吧 All right. Um 我只是想问问你 Well, what I wanted to ask you was, uh... 能不能让你的女儿们对巴克利一家好点 if you could ask your girls to give the Buckleys a break. 他们最近非常不好过 They"ve been having a tough time of it lately. -是吗

 -对 - Have they? - Yeah. 那太不幸了 That"s really awful. 你上一次痛哭是什么时候

 阿奇 When was the last time you cried, Archie? -痛哭

 -是啊 - Cried? - Yeah. -不记得了


 -下一次你说我女儿不是的时候 - I don"t know. Why? - "Cause the next time you will 就是你下次痛哭流涕的时候

 听我说完 is the next time that you criticise my girls... No, hang on. 不管是什么鸟事

 懂了吗 In any fucking way whatsoever, all right? 他们越界了 They"re out of bounds. 如果巴克利连善意的玩笑都开不起 And if Buckley can"t take a little friendly fucking ribbing, 那他比我想象的更傻&arts;逼♥ then he"s more of a pathetic prick than I thought he was. 我得吃晚餐了 Now, I"m having my dinner, 伙计

 不介意的话就赶紧滚吧 mate, so if you don"t mind fucking off. 多谢 Thanks. 你知道我们缺什么吗 You know what"d make it better?

 一个蓝♥光♥播放器 A Blu-ray player. 听我说


 杰德 Yeah, well, you can"t have everything, Jed. 我说说罢了 No, I"m just saying. 我给你了一个烟灰缸呢

 是吧 I got you that ashtray, didn"t I? 我正要说它呢


 真好用 That"s what I"m saying, Skunk. It"s brilliant. 是全世界最好的 It"s the best ever. -如果再也不用回去了多好


 学校吗 - Be great if we never had to go back. - What, to school? 没错 Yeah. 我不知道

 其实我还挺期待回学校的 I don"t know. I"m kind of looking forward to going, actually. 第一年都这样 Oh, first year. 什么 What? 有时候你顺着走廊走的时候 Sometimes when you"re walking down the corridors, -大孩子会揍你

 -什么 - the older kids will punch you. - What? 一拳揍肚子上 In the stomach. 白♥痴♥ Idiots! -看着点路



 伙计 - Watch where you"re going, will you? - Listen, mate, 你骑不好车

 不是我们的错 it"s not our fault you can"t ride your bike. 这不是我的车


 看好了 It"s not my bike. And I can ride it. Watch this. 那这是谁的车 Whose is it, then? -骑得真蹩脚


 看着 - That is a travesty. - Hang on, hang on. 准备好了吗

 Right, you ready? 你这个混♥蛋♥小偷 Hey! You thieving little spastic! 我宰了你 I"ll kill you! 我宰了你

 我他妈宰了你 I"ll kill you! I"ll bloody kill you ! 混♥蛋♥ Twats! -正中

 -这他妈是什么玩意 - Yes! - What the fucking hell? 真该死 Fucking hell! 那你和谁一起住 So who do you live with, then? 我姑姑 My auntie. -你♥爸♥在哪

 -他死了 - Where"s your dad? - He"s dead. 死了 Dead? 他被火烧死了

 我妈也是 He was killed in a fire, along with my mum. -真不幸

 -我姐姐也是 - That"s terrible. - And my sister. 我又无所谓

 那时我才五六岁 I don"t give a shit. I was only five or six at the time. 酷 Wow. Cool. 我们的老妈和伯明翰的一个会计跑了 Our mum ran away with an accountant from Birmingham. 你是女同性恋吗 Yeah? So are you a lesbian? 不是 No. 你看着就像 You look like a lesbian. 女同性恋应该长什么样 What does a lesbian look like? 有点丑 Kind of ugly.

 斯康克 Oi, Skunk! 不

 别让他们把他带走 No, but just stop them taking him. 戴夫

 你为什么就不能进去做点什么 Dave, why don"t you just go in there and do something? -冷静点


 想想办法 - Calm down. I"m really... -Sort it out, for Christ"s sake. 他出来了 He"s coming ! 里克


 里克 Rick, Rick. You"ve done nothing wrong, Rick. 瞧瞧他 Here he is. -应该让他穿上约束衣

 -停下来 - Get the straitjacket. - Stop it! -把他关起来


 我爱你 - Lock him up! - Rick! Rick! I love you. 把他关进精神病房♥里

 这个变♥态♥ Put him in a padded fucking cell, the psycho. 把他下面那东西割了 Cut his knob off. 喂他吃下去 Feed it to him. 他下面那个牲口玩意 His donkey fucking knob! 杰德 Jed. 里克精神出问题了吗 Has Rick gone mental? 闭上嘴进屋去 Shut up and go inside. 你要去哪 Where are you going? -进屋来玩 Xbox[微软游戏机]

 -不行 - He"s coming in to play Xbox. - No, he"s not. 再见

 你也该回你的小窝了 Bye-bye. Off you go back to your halting site. 我又不是吆普赛人 I ain"t no pikey. 卡茜亚


 That"s racist, Kasia. 对不起


 她是波兰人 Sorry, mate. She"s Polish. 斯康克 Skunk! -再见

 -你看上去不像个女同性恋 -Bye. -You don"t look like a lesbian. 是吗

 那你一开始为什么说我是 No? So why"d you say I did, then? -我不知道

 -因为我长得丑吗 -I don"t know. -Because I"m ugly? 不

 你长得不丑 No, you"re not. 你真的很漂亮 You"re really pretty. -真的吗


 你长的挺丑的 -Am I? - No. You"re ugly. 再见 See ya. 就算你在他的卧室门口坐死了都没用 Well, sitting outside his bedroom door all day"s not gonna help. 都是你把他惯坏了 It"s that kind of babying... -惯坏

 -是的 - Babying? -Yes. 你昏了头了

 看看你自己 You don"t know whether you"re coming or going. Look at yourself. 你上次洗澡是什么时候 When did you last have a shower? -我们的儿子病了

 -给他一个机会 -Our son is sick. -Give him a break. -儿子需要知道我就他身边

 -冷静点 -Our son needs to know I"m here! -Calm down... Well, I"ll... 不要


 不要 Please, don"t. Please, don"t. 里克

 给我仍房♥里出来 Rick, get out of this room ! 里克


 如果你再不开门 Rick, open this door. If you don"t open this door... 里克

 我就自己进来了 I"m... Rick, I"m coming in, you...

 我咨♥询♥了那里的医生 I asked the doctor they had there 他们能收容他多久 how long they could keep him in, and, uh... 他说

 可以无限期收容 he said, indefinitely. -是的

 -真的可以吗 -Right. -Is that true? 是这样的 Well, um... 病人入院后 If a patient"s been sectioned, 院方有权利让病人留院 they have the right to keep them in 直到他们认为病人恢复健康 as long as they see fit. 我明白了 I see. 抱歉

 戴夫 I"m sorry, Dave. 得了那种病是什么感觉 What"s it like? 我不知道

 我不知道 I don"t know. I don"t know. 是不是就像《飞越疯人院》里演的一样 Is it like One Flew Over the Cuckoo"s Nest? -别这样


 你看过那种电影 - Stop it! -Wait, hang on. You saw that? 卡茜亚那晚在电视机前睡着了 Kasia fell asleep in front of the telly one night. 上帝啊

 她喝醉了吗 Oh, my God. Was she drinking? 得了

 只是开个玩笑 What? I"m joking. 他们在他的大脑上切掉了一块 They cut a part of his brain out. 谁的大脑 Who? 麦克墨菲 McMurphy. -别这样


 - Stop it! - Jed. 听着

 里克不会变成那样的 Look, listen, that is not gonna happen to Rick, okay? -你确定吗

 -是的 -Are you sure? -Yes. -你怎么知道的

 -因为我就是知道 -How do you know? -Because I just know. 那种事情

 可不是 That sort of stuff, you know, it just isn"t... -又来了

 -别闹了 - Done any more. - Ugh. Stop it. 好了

 我们一起让这些纸飞机飞起来 All right, let"s go and make these things fly. 又他妈是沉迷

 每一次 Fucking obsessing ! Every single... 因为你总是在逃避 It"s because you"re avoiding. 我根本就没有沉迷过 I"m not obsessing about a thing. 为什么我们就不能 Why can"t we just have a normal... 为什么我们就不能好好说话 Why can"t we just have a normal conversation? 我为什么要到这里来

 这是我的生活 When I come over here, it"s my life, 我的生活

 我到底在干什么啊 my life. What am I doing? 我就不能过自己的生活吗 Can I just live my life? 我现在做这份工作都是为了你 I"m getting this job because you asked me... 你为什么要这样对我 What are you doing with me? 知道吗

 这鬼地方我呆不下去了 You know what, I am fucking out of here. 我刚要说你就 I was just about to say that you should... 我真的走了

 你爱说就说去吧 I"m actually going ! So there you go! -你要去哪里

 -我那邋遢的公♥寓♥ - Where are you going now? -Fucking home to my manky flat.

 混♥蛋♥ Asshole. 你说

 除非你打定主意要和那人一起过 I mean, why the hell are you with a person 否则住在一起有意义吗 unless you plan to stay with that person, you know? 我走了 Fucking out of here! 去死吧懦夫

 混♥蛋♥ Fucking coward. Asshole. 你和麦克分手了吗 Are you and Mike splitting up? 睡你的觉去 Go to bed. 还有他对我说的话 And the things he said to me... -你知道他叫我什么吗

 -什么 -You know what he called me? -What? -该死的疯婆子

 -是吗 -Obsessive fucking bitch. -Mm. 去你的 Fuck you! 你知道吗


 我筋疲力尽了 I"m just so worn out with it, Archie, you know? 我建议

 我们可以控告他 Well, we could sue him, I suppose. -控告他什么

 -我不知道 -Yeah, for what? -I don"t know. 婚前责仸玩忽职守罪 Dereliction of premarital duty. 很有趣

 控告他太混♥蛋♥了怎么样 Very funny. How about just for being a dick? -同样适用

 -懒到家的混♥蛋♥ -Yeah, we could get him for that. -A lazy dick. 他只顾自己的自♥由♥

 快活 He values his freedom too much, his comforts. 大部分男人都这个德性

 所以需要激励 Well, most men do. That"s why we need that push. 我已经激励得够久了 I"ve been pushing long enough. 4 年了


 我都 35 了

 Four years. I"m 35 years old, you know? -真的吗


 我不能再等了 -Really? -Fuck off. I can"t wait any more 我不能 I just can"t. -那杯是我的酒吗

 -不是 - Is that my wine? -No. 你来干什么 What are you doing here? 只是过来看看 Just thought I"d knock about. 杰德不在 Jed isn"t here. 她很生气

 她哭了 So angry. And she was crying and... -我觉得她真的很爱他

 -是吗 -I think she really loved him. -Yeah? 我觉得她想结婚

 或者想买♥♥栋房♥子 I think she wanted them to get married. Or buy a house. -或者想生个宝宝

 -是的 -Or have a baby maybe. -Right. -如果是我就会嫁给他

 -是吗 -I would have married him. -Yeah? 快过来 Come on! 狄龙 Dillon! 真是太酷了

 就好像 This is really cool. It"s like... 请进 Come in. -你可真是个酷妹

 -谢谢 -You"re a really cool girl. -Thanks. 对于女同性恋而言 For a lesbian. 你想来点妙脆角吗 Do you want a Nik Nak? 不

 谢谢 No, thanks. 想吃的东西不能吃一定很痛苦吧 Must be a pain not being able to eat what you want.

 你想当我的女朊友吗 Do you want to be my girlfriend? 好啊 Okay. 我能亲你一下吗 Can I have a kiss? 太快了吧 M... Maybe later. 好吧

 不过等一会 All right, 我的嘴里就都是妙脆角的味了 but later my mouth"s gonna be all Nik-y Nak-y. 好吧

 但是不准舌吻 All right. But not a splasher. -舌什么

 -不准用舌头打转 -A what? -No swirly tongues. 好的 Okay. 看


 说过不是很疼 Look, you"ve got pretty ears. It doesn"t hurt that much. -快下来


 -别乱动 - Get off. It hurts. -Stop it. 把胳膊放下来 Get your arms out. -这里


 -不要 -There, one up your nose. -No, no. 听着

 如果你再晃胳膊 Look, if you keep moving your arms, 鼻子上穿的孔可就不漂亮了 I can"t give you a lovely nose piercing. -下来

 -你看上去漂亮极了 -Get off. -You look so pretty. 我来给你修个眉 Give me your eyebrow. 我们开始了 There we go. 好了



 上♥床♥睡觉了 All right, guys. Come on, bed. 可是我们的书还没有看完呢 But we"re doing our books. 上♥床♥睡觉

 Bed. 爸爸 Dad. 快点


 明天可是个大日子 Come on, do as you"re told. Big day tomorrow. 晚安

 爸爸 Night, Dad. -晚安


 -晚安 -Good night, love. -Good night. 很迷人 Very attractive. 好了

 好的 Yeah, all right, yeah. Good, yeah. 我的抱抱呢 Hey, where"s mine? 晚安

 卡茜亚 Night, Kasia. 真有意思 Very funny. 别忘了刷牙 And don"t forget teeth! 你想喝一杯吗 You want a drink? 如果你穿运动鞋

 他们会重重踩你的脚 And if you"re wearing trainers, they"ll stomp on them. Bang ! 如果你留了长发 And if your hair"s too long, 他们会仍背后抓你的头发 what they"ll do is they"ll grab it from behind. -好了


 -他们会开始 -All right. Stop! -And they"ll just start... 你要对这些有所了解

 斯康克 You need to know about this stuff, Skunk. 有了准备

 才能更好地应对 The better prepared you are, the better you"ll do. 所以

 他们会仍背后抓住你的头发 So, what they do is they grab your hair from behind 然后用剪刀把头发剪掉 and they just start snipping away with a pair of scissors. -所以你选好时机

 -是的 -So you pick your moment. -Yeah.

 给她们定好规矩 And you let them know the arrangement. 好

 什么意思 Yeah... What? -做交易

 -明白了 -The deal. -Right. 这样她们才会认清现状 And then they know where they stand. -是的

 -让她们 -Yeah. -Which is... -无路可逃

 -绝对无路可逃 -Nowhere. -Absolutely fucking nowhere. -后来还真是好笑

 -是的 -It"s funnier later on. -Okay. 瑞秋怎么样了 What about Rachel? 她怎么了 What about her? 如果她现在走进来 If she walked in right now, 你会带她回家吗 would you take her back? 你开什么玩笑 You must be joking. -就不为孩子着想吗

 -为什么 -Not even for the kids? -Why? 又让孩子们整天提心吇胆 So they could live in fear of her walking out again 她什么时候又会不辞而别


 谢谢 whenever she felt like it? No, thank you very much. 他们甚至都不知道 They wouldn"t even know 她是谁 who she was. 可怜的阿奇 Poor Archie. 可怜的卡茜亚 Poor Kasia. 我要去睡觉了 I"m off to bed. 好的

 All right, then. -晚安

 -晚安 -Good night. -Good night. 如果你愿意的话可以跟我上楼 You can follow me up if you want. 爸爸 Dad? 爸爸 Dad ! 你为什么不睡在床上 Why aren"t you in bed? 杰德说我的头会被人冲下马桶 Jed said I was gonna get my head flushed down the toilet. -被谁

 -被学校里的人 -By who? -In school. -你相信他的话

 -他们还打你的肚子 -And you believed him? -And punched in the stomach. 是的


 他说这是 Yeah, I believe him. He said it"s... 他说这是老规矩 He said it"s tradition. 我和你一样大时他们也对我说了同样的话 I was told the very same thing when I was your age. -这才是老规矩

 -什么意思 -That"s the tradition. -What is? 让新生充满畏惧之心 Putting the fear of God into the first years. 事实上都是子虚乌有的事 Nothing"s gonna happen to you. 来吧

 起来吧 Come on, then. Up you get. -晚安

 -晚安 -Night. -Good night. 爸爸

 我睡着之前你能躺在身边陪我吗 Dad, will you lie next to me till I go to sleep? 爸爸 Dad! 老天

 麦克 My God, Mike! 在学校要叫我基尔南先生 It"s Mr Kiernan in school,


 -好的 - Skunk. - Oh. -而不是麦克

 -好的 -Not Mike. -Oh, right. 既然如此

 你可以叫我坎宁安小姐 Well, in that case you can call me Miss Cunningham. 很公平 Fair enough. 好了


 我是基尔南先生 Okay, everyone. My name is Mr Kiernan. 坎宁安小姐 Uh, Miss Cunningham. 是的

 基尔南先生 Yes, Mr Kiernan? 卡茜亚过得还好吗 Um, how is Kasia? 卡茜亚过得很好 Kasia"s fine. 你能代我向她问好吗 Will you, um, say hi to her for me? 你要我回个口信吗 Do you have a message back? 是的 I do. 人♥渣♥ Dick. 你说什么 Excuse me? 她就是这么说的 It"s what she said. 你扣了多少分 How many did you get? -100 分

 -见鬼 - A hundred. -Shit. 他给我的其中一句评语说 And one of the long ones. 我的语言使用不当 "I must not use inappropriate language..." 你这是在干什么 What the hell did you just do that for? 给我坐下


 Sit down. Give me some money. -什么

 -钱 -What? -Some money. -为什么要给你

 -因为我想要 -Why? -"Cause I want some. 如果你们不给

 我大姐 And if you don"t, my 会揍得你们找不着北 sister"s gonna kick the fucking shit out of you. -要多少


 统统交出来 - How much? -All you got. Get it all out. 你也一样 You as well. 快点

 手脚麻利些 Go on, quick! Hurry up! 听好了

 仍下周开始 Now, every week, from next week on, 每周每人交给我两英镑 I want £2 from each of you. 什么 What? 这是不把你们列上名单的代价 That"s what it costs to stay off the list. -什么名单


 贱♥人♥ - What list? -The list of fucking death, bitch. 还给你这狗屎的老土手♥机♥ Here"s your shit fucking loser"s out-of-date fucking mobile. -摔坏了

 -什么 -It"s broken. - What? 这婊♥子♥

 这该死的欠扁的丑陋的 The cow. The absolute fucking ugly... 继续 Go on. -你扣了多少分

 -200 分 -How many did you get? -Two hundred. 这成绩肯定倒数了 Must be one of the bad ones. 我能买♥♥个新手♥机♥吗 Can I get a new phone? -你已经有手♥机♥了

 -可是它摔坏了 -You"ve got a phone. -It broke.


 -不行 -Can I get a new one? -No. 为什么不行 Why not? 你应该爱护好你的旧手♥机♥ You should have taken better care of the old one. 有了新手♥机♥我会很开心 It would make me so happy. 安静点

 斯康克 Quiet, Skunk. 我会成为最快乐的孩子 I"d just be the happiest child. 我正在工作

 亲爱的 I"m trying to work, love. 我会欢喜若狂 I"d be delirious! 这不公平 It"s just not fair. -我不在乎

 -你不关心我 -I don"t care. -You don"t care about me. 是的

 他不关心我 Yeah, he doesn"t care about me. 走开

 斯康克 Go away, Skunk! 他恨我

 他亲口说的 He hates me. That"s what he said. -求你了

 -没门 -Please. -Stop it. 求你了

 爸爸 Please, Dad. -他巴不得我死了才好

 -什么 -He wishes I was dead. -What? 没什么 Nothing. 求你了 Please! 埃米莉 Emily! 我不想再听到这些话 I don"t want to hear it again. 你听明白了吗

 Do you understand me? 你听明白了吗 Do you understand me?! 埃米莉 Emily. -现在几点了

 -10 点 10 分 - What time is it? - Ten past ten. 你觉得给他的教训够了吗 Do you think he"s learnt his lesson yet? 这是谁 Who"s this? 苏珊·奥斯伍尔德 Susan Oswald. 荡♥妇♥ Slut. 不

 她不是 No, she"s not. 看吧

 我说的没错 Told you. 他们称之为"口♥交♥" They call that fell-at-io. 我得回家去了 I have to go home. 你去哪了

 为什么不打个电♥话♥ Where have you been? Why didn"t you call? 我没有手♥机♥ I don"t have a phone. 你这臭小子

 胆子越来越大了 You little brat! How dare you do what you just did ! 坐下 Sit down! 是的


 她没事 Yes, she"s here. She"s fine. 对不起

 爸爸 Sorry, Dad. 爸爸 Dad. 我的指数下降了 My levels are off. 永远都不能忘记这对你有多重要 You can never forget how important this is.

 我知道 I know. 我知道这很枯燥

 我知道坚持不容易 I know it"s routine, I know it"s hard... -说没关系


 -什么 -Say it"s okay, Dad. -What? 我说过我很抱歉 I said I was sorry. 你要说没关系 Now you have to say it"s okay. 没关系 It"s okay. 如果我死了你会怎么做

 爸爸 What would you do if I died, Dad? 这个问题我连想都不敢想 I can"t even answer that question. 你会哭吗 Would you cry? 当然 Uh-huh. 号♥啕大哭 A lot? 我想我会哭个不停 I don"t think I"d ever stop. 如果我 What if I... 住手 Stop! -不

 -放手 -No. -Get off! 放手 Get off! -讲讲我出生的那晚的事

 -不要 - Tell about the night I was born. - No. -继续啊


 干嘛 - Go on. - I don"t know. Why? -是讲那天晚上还是

 -那个梦 - The night, or the... - The dream. -拜托了



 不再讲了 - Please. Come on. - No. Not again. -给我讲吧


 - Tell me. - Why do you... 我都不知道你为什么喜欢听这个 I don"t even know why you like this. 我就是喜欢

 快点 I just do. Come on. 好吧

 梦到的是一个女人 All right, well, it"s about this woman. -她生活中的不同瞬间


 对 - And different times in her life. - Different moments. Yes. -各种片段

 -比如 - Different moments. - Like what? -我不记得了

 -想想 - I can"t remember. - Think. -想不起来

 -试试 - I can"t remember. - Try. 有些是伤心的时候 Well, some of them are sad. 但大多数都很开心 But most of them are happy. 那个女人就是我 And the woman was me. 那个女人就是你 And the woman was you. 梦里就是我的将来 And the dream was my future. 这我就不知道了 I don"t know about that. 我是说


 但是呢 I mean, that"s what it felt like, yeah, but, yeah... 那我在梦里长什么样 But what did I look like? 面目狰狞 Hideous. 你人真好 You"re nice. 出凡脱俗 Stunning. 然后你就醒了 And then you woke. 然后我就醒了 And then I woke, and I was

 悲喜交加 happy and I was sad all at the same time. 然后妈妈就在旁边 And Mum was there. 是她把我叫醒的 She was the one that woke me up. 然后她说 And she said... 阿奇

 她来了 "Archie, she"s here." -说的是我

 -说的是你 - Meaning me. - Meaning you. 要出世的那个人只有你

 不是吗 Well, you were the one about to be born, weren"t you? 斯康克 Skunk. -我忍♥不住

 -我知道 - I can"t help it. - I know. 你真是个奇怪的姑娘 You"re such a strange girl. 好了

 把要紧事先做完 Come on, let"s get this done. 给

 你自己来 Here, you do it. 仰望云中巨兽 Looking up at monsters in the clouds 红色是生命的终点 Red"s the colour when you"re dead 消失不见时

 我躺在床上 Find me gone, I"m just in bed 读着童话故事 Reading up on fairy tales... 斯康克


 亲爱的 Skunk, we can go in now, love. -你好


 -你好 - Hi, Skunk. - Hi. 你坐在这里好吗

 斯康克 Why don"t you sit down there, Skunk? 好的 Okay. -你怎么样


 - How are you? - I"m fine. -你为什么那么说话

 -他吃了药 - Why are you talking like that? - It"s his medication. -怎么说话了

 -有点抖 - Talking like what? - Kind of groggy. 是吗 Am I? 你有自己的电视

 所有这些东西 You"ve got your own telly and all. 对



 我看 Oh, yeah. You know, I... I watch, um... -对不起


 不会 - I"m sorry. - No, no. -学校怎么样

 -很好 - How"s school? - It"s fine. 实际上我们今天就上半天学 We"re actually on a half day today. 她来看你是不是很好心

 里克 Isn"t she good to come, Rick? 对

 她人好 Yes, she is. -是她要求的


 -她真的很好 - She asked to, you know. - She"s really good. 我一直觉得斯康克是个好人

 是不是 I always thought Skunk was really good, didn"t I? -没错

 -我都不知道 - Uh-huh. - I don"t know. 是什么感觉 What was it like? 那种疯狂的时候 You know, when you went kind of mad? -那个

 -我这么说没关系吗 -That"s... - Is it all right if I say that? 实际上相当难以描述 Actually, it"s really...

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